Saturday, April 23, 2005

Martini's and more Goodbyes

Two dear friends of mine, Kevin & Brian, threw me a small going away cocktail party. It was a small gathering that included my current roommate, Ken and my future New York roommate, Elizabeth. Martini’s made the rounds and we laughed and exchanged stories.
I LOVE my friends. I’ve always said that without any forethought or planning I have surrounded myself with such wonderful people. I have some many different people in my life. People who are so different from me…people who offer and bring balance and alternative perspectives to life. I am so grateful for their input in my life.
When I think about taking off for NYC a week from today, I keep coming back to my friends. I know that we’ll always be friends…it is the distance that scares me. I know that I will make new friends in NYC and add other wonderful characters to my life – but it is that in-the-meantime and in-between-time that I don’t like.