I decided to take the next step in becoming an official New Yorker. I woke up very early this morning to go to the DMV. I had heard a lot of horrific stories about NY’s Department of Motor Vehicles but decided to face it head on. The average wait at a NY DMV office is 5-7 hours. I decided to take a book (I’m re-reading The Prince of Tides by Pat Conroy. I think this is my 5th time reading it. No one writes about the South or New York City the way he does. I decided to re-read it a few months ago. It’s one of my all-time favorite novels.) and settle into the process of waiting to get a driver’s license.
Thankfully the closest DMV is at 125th which is the next subway stop up from me on the 6 train. I’ve been spending a lot of time at the library on 125th, so I knew just where to go. I walked in and was delighted to hear that the wait was only 30 minutes. I finished the paperwork and then realized I’d left my birth certificate at home.
So, I was back on the train. One stop back. Two blocks over. I got the birth certificate. Then it was back two blocks over to the station and one stop up. I was again excited to be told that the wait was now only 45 minutes. Not too much of a set back.
I took my birth certificate, paperwork, my old driver’s license, most recent pay stub, etc. to the next counter and was then told that I had everything in order they just needed my Social Security Card. I didn’t have it. I don’t have it. I haven’t it for years. During the last run of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat my messenger bag was stolen – along with my Social Security Card.
I was directed 10 blocks over to the Social Security office where I could begin the process of getting my card replaced. There the wait caught up with me. I waited 3 hours just to turn in more paperwork and be told that I could expect the card in 2 weeks.
I left the SS Office and headed right downtown. I met Barbara Witke the Hotel Edison for her Sales Conference. I sat in on her presentation of the Fall’s new list. I got to present a couple of titles myself. It was great to see Barbara and again be surrounded with our titles. I’ve been here a week and half but I still crave those touchstones of home.