Sunday, July 15, 2007

Well...There's Good News and Bad News

Which do you want first?

The GOOD news...well, I have a phone. Finally. It took a couple of days...but I'm connected again.

The BAD news...right now I shouldn't be writing...I should be out on Long Island at Dreamgirls. I needed to be on the Long Island Railroad at 11:51. I left a hour early but it just takes one 'Police Incident' or train back up to throw you off. I walked into Penn Station at 11:54, having just missed my train.

I could've taken a later train but that would've meant missing more than half of the show. The ticket is good for 180, I'll be using it next weekend.

Yesterday was my last day at my first TCS store located in Manhattan on Lexington Avenue. I've been there since before the store opened...when it was all wet paint and scaffolding. Tomorrow I'll be start my commuting life to my new store in White Plains. There's a lot of excitement about the new position but I couldn't leave the store without some tears. The store has been my home for over a year and half and the staff of store has become like extended family. I'll miss them...