Inside MoMa

Today I had an interview with Theater Circle. Before I lived here this was a story I went into every time I was in NYC on vacation.
There are three small gift/theater bookstore, and Theater Circle seems like a perfect match for me…mixing two things I know well – books and theater. The Theater Circle store has an old bookstore feeling to it…wood floors, one of those sliding rail latters to reach the high shelves, etc. One Shubert Alley is located in Shubert Alley beside the Shubert Theater (home to SPAMalot).
The interview went very well and I will start on Monday. I will be working a lot of hours in the BROADWAY, NY store. That store is located right off Times Square and does the most tourist business, so most of their stuff reflects New York and the big sight-seeing things like the Statue of Liberty, Empire State building, etc.
This afternoon Elizabeth and I took in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). Well, we began to take it in. Like New York City itself…you can visit a place again and again and never exhaust the discoveries.
One of the side perks of my stint at Roundabout Theatre Co. was meeting a fellow co-worker, Adam. We started on the same day (and he left the Monday after I quit). Before his time at the Roundabout he worked at the MoMA. He gave me some extra tickets and said Elizabeth and I should check it out some time. So, today we did. The MoMa is the most expensive museum in New York (they gotta pay for that huge multi-million dollar renovated space somehow) and gorgeous from top to bottom.
I haven’t been to a lot of museums and I wasn’t honestly sure of how interested I would be once I got there…BUT…the tickets were free. What could it hurt?
We were both blown away by it. I had no idea what to expect. We turned one corner and then another and suddenly I was looking at original works by Salvador Dali. I couldn’t believe it. Pieces I’ve only seen in books, prints, postcards, etc. were hanging in front of me.
Moving into another room I discovered “Starry, Starry Night” by Van Gogh. I was completely speechless. There, right in front of me, was a world famous masterpiece. Walking from one gallery into the next I found the works of Picasso, Pollack, Warhol, Monet and Surat many, many more.
You could take pictures but you couldn’t use your flash…so, I snapped a few to share here. They aren’t super clear because I wasn’t using the flash but you’ll get the idea. Visit: www.moma.org