Good Morning on January 25 from Africa.
It is your birthday here...We get to celebrate it first. It's 6:15 a.m. here…[at this same moment 31 years ago] I was having labor pains and standing in front of the dresser holding on in pain....and saying, "I think I need to go on to the hospital."
Dad said from bed, "I thought you were going to wait as long as possible before we went to hospital."
I said, "I did, and I think I have waited as long as I can."
So we went on to hospital in a bit and you were born at 10:15 a.m. So when you decided it was time to come, you decided to come!!!! And come you did.
The doctor told dad it would probably be all day before I delivered. Dad decided to go home a while (since he could not be with me in delivery).....he did and then came back in a bit because he thought, "He just might end up coming and I won't be there."
He came back to hospital...some one calling over loud speaker for a minister....he went to answer that call and pray with someone...........and then heard HIS name....and came back to my room and I was getting ready to go to delivery room.
So he almost missed your birth....and he would have been so sick because he had had such great anticipation.
Well, you arrived and you have been kicking ever since.
God has blessed you with love, family, friends, health, great abilities, insights, laughter, enthusiasm, height, a great personality and a great work ethic. And most of all, you have known the love of God and His great salvation for you. So there have been great days in the past and you have great days ahead. And we pray that today will be a very special birthday and one with anticipation and joy, plus excitement at what God wants for your life.
We love you and are so happy to our YOU....OUR SON....OUR FIRST BORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!