Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The NYC Tranist Strike

The transit strike began today sending New York City into chaos. We have no buses or subways. Literally millions of people are stranded on and off the island of Manhattan.

It took me 2 hours in a cab and then walking over 10 blocks in freezing weather to get to work today.

The cabs have abandoned the meter and are using a zone system and charging passengers a flat rate per zone. As many people as possible are suppose to ride – so Elizabeth and I (after 10 minutes) hailed a cab and crept across town. A few blocks over we picked up another passenger who was heading in the same general direction.

The cab ride wouldn’t have been so bad except that the window was broken and wouldn’t roll up. So, besides being incredibly late to work and frustrations rising, we were also freezing.

Not having fun.