Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter, Christopher Street and Judy Garland

Quite possibly the most beautiful day since I moved to New York. It wasn’t too hot or too cold. No humidity. Solid blue sky. Constant breeze.

Gorgeous Easter.

I went to church this morning and then made my way down to the Village. I got off the subway at Christopher Street, in the heart of the Village, and was greeted by the sounds and smells of a small neighborhood street festival. It couldn’t have been a more perfect day for it.

Since today is a holiday - theaters needed patrons. For literally a few dollars, I had a prime seat for The Property Know As Garland, an Off-Broadway show set in the backstage dressing room the night of Judy Garland’s last concert. It is told almost completely as a narrative. It was very interesting and enlightening. I know very little of the life of the legend that is Judy Garland.
