Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Roundabout Run Ends & We Hit the TARGET

My run at the Roundabout Theater ended Sunday night. For a lot of varying reasons it just wasn’t meant to be. I still hold the highest respect for the shows they produce and the talent that they attract – but we weren’t a match (ethically or professionally.). The decision was mine.

So…back to looking for a job.

Speaking of which…a couple of the developments coming up…I had a wonderful meeting with Peachtree’s Canadian distributor, Fitzhenry & Whiteside. It looks like I will be working part-time for them AND for Peachtree from here in Manhattan. I will be seeking to strengthen relationships with bookstores, gift stores, etc. while developing new relationships.

Today, Elizabeth and I ventured to Target – which is a REALLY big deal. We don’t have a Target here on the island, but we were able to find the one all New Yorkers shop at. We are surrounded by stores of all shapes and sizes but there’s something nice about making a concise list and getting all the stuff you need at one time. If we get on an express train (the 4 or 5) we can stay on it all the way down the line into Brooklyn. We get off at the 3rd stop and walk a block.

Riding back from Target the train was pretty crowded – which is common on the express trains – Elizabeth got a “sleeper.” After a couple of stops, a big guy sitting beside her, fell asleep and started leaning on her. She looked helplessly at me and all either of us could do was laugh. She did use her cell/camera phone to take a picture of him dozing off.

Things are heating up here in NYC. Native New Yorkers have declared that Summer skipped over Spring altogether. So, it’s time to get the A/C going. Elizabeth and I spent most of the afternoon trying to get the security gate out of the living room windows (all windows in NYC apartments have guards), so we could install it. Last night it was so hot that we put the unit in one of my windows (I have a window that’s guard-free because it leads out to the fire escape). So, the A/C is up as high as it will go and we have fans directing the cool air into the other rooms of the apartment.

Tomorrow, we’ll try again – it’s too hot not to try again and again until we get it in.

Also, this afternoon I got all the pictures hung. The place has come a long way. I’m going to take some before and after pictures and post them in the next couple of days. Elizabeth’s mom and boyfriend are visiting this weekend – so this is the perfect time to snap pictures.

We also went grocery shopping. I had been putting it off…it’s more of a production here. You shop more because every trek means that you have to carry whatever you get back with you on the subway or in a cab. You learn how to do more with a lot less. You learn how to think and plan ahead.

Life lessons.